
Thursday 12 January 2006.
light flashed upon our little valley,
seeping in among the blades of grass
like ice cream
filling in the
cracks between the floorboards in your
the soft black world turned into tints of
a monochrome photo of the world soon
to be awakened.
color came to the things around us,
first the butterflies,
then the stalks they were perched on,
a wave of color swept around the
giant puddle of grass,
rustling the tawny brown tips on the
green skyscrapers
in our little city.
long before the pink of dawn,
light chalky pastels hint
as to the colors of the day to come.
sleepy birds stretch their wings and
sing about their breakfast,
and warm up their voices to
greet the sun.
an orchestra prepares for the coming of
honored guest,
bustling about,
happily preparing for
Her arrival.
blades sway,
birds sing,
crickets tune their
whining wings,
deer quietly tiptoe
into the tall grass,
ears flicking,
velvety noses pulsing.
the trees start to whisper of her arrival,
the birds trumpet
to the field,
and the whole grassland
lapses into the aria of morning.
soprano sparrows soar on their notes,
the crickets ease into their light hum,
grasses cheer wildly,
as the breeze arrives,
announcing the forthcoming
of morning.
She slides first
one colorful ray
then another from behind the protection
Her clouds,
they part,
and Her pink glow
brings forth a crescendo
from the ensemble.
the gray sky changes
to a tint of blue,
and red,
washing up into the
coursing through
the blue sea,
sending clouds
in small puffy groups.
a solo from a woodthrush,
flowing and rushing
through each note,
signals the
twinkling burned-out stars,
like stubs of candles in the sky
to blink out,
one by one,
and Her brighter light
of dawn reaches across
the silky blue blanket
from the glowing east.
She flows through our sky,
Her bright colors enlighten the world,
inside this small hollow,
in this giant theater,
the thespians of the ecosystem,
the opera singers of the wild,
and the performers of nature,
all come together in a
daily production on
the Broadway of
