Seeing the Great Mountain #1: Shri Krishna, The Great Witness

Developing a greater understanding of the nature of God, earthly attachments and our nature which prevents our ascent.
Wednesday 7 September 2005.
Shri Krishna
You are large as life
and you are ever unchanging
in your views
as you are the Perfect Witness
All you see
in me with
The Donkey Head
So stubborn
Arrogant and unwilling to change
not from witnessing
Seeing in a Detached manner
But due to a stubborn
Unwillingness to change and grow
and shed this ugly sight I see now
before me.
Shri Krishna
Show me how to be like YOU
detached in all your beauty
Yet fair
Yet unweilding
Yet uncompromising
Not through ignorance
but because
you see
and know all.
Let me be that Great Witness
Who can stand tall
with Great calm
and great humility too
Beauty is within
and in seeing love
Detachment gives you
a window to a higher self
and revelations
of a different nature...
detached love...
Allows you to see the Great Mountain
and allows your children to grow
within its loving arms
Greatness is Your Nature
if you allow Yourself to Grow
within it too
So join us in Your Endeavours to Grow
Join the Heavenly Mountain
and leave all those worries behind
that change your face
and heal your sacred nature
... Mend I shall
When I am blessed with such visions of God and Heaven
