Ode To Kundalini

Read to Shri Mataji before a Kundalini Puja gathering in Cabella
Saturday 9 April 2005.
Kingdoms have come and gone.
Their testaments are the wind blown dust;
Their powerful roots lay crumbled and buried for all time.
Only Thou canst recall the ebb and flow of the ages
And, to fruit, all the heartfelt strivings of Thy children bring.
Fabled Fountain of Youth,
O’ Revealer of Truth,
Holy Mother within, please awake
And us take
To Thy heavenly City of Light.
Mountains of books have been written
To play upon our imaginations and carry, to and fro, our desire.
We have sailed the ships of want in all directions.
Only Thou canst our deepest yearnings quench
And, to fruit, all the heartfelt strivings of Thy children bring.
Fabled Fountain of Youth,
O’ Revealer of Truth,
Holy Mother within, please awake
And us take
To Thy heavenly City of Light.
We were seekers of Truth
Risen up out of animal obscurity.
Guided by Thy reassuring touch have we dared to aspire to attain evolution’s highest treasure.
Only Thou art the comforting Fire in all our darkest nights.
Thou bringeth to fruit all the heartfelt strivings of Thy children.
Fabled Fountain of Youth,
O’ Revealer of Truth,
Holy Mother within, please awake
And us take
To Thy heavenly City of Light.
Chaitanya dances in our midst.
Thy Love sparkles in our eyes and laughs in our smiles.
We are aimless, fulfilled, eternally young!
Only Thou knoweth the undying gratitude in our hearts.
Thou hast brought to fruit all the heartfelt strivings of Thy children.
Fabled Fountain of Youth,
O’ Revealer of Truth,
Holy Mother within, please accept
Our pure thanks
At Thy heavenly Lotus Feet.
