Christmas Comfort

Thursday 25 November 2004.
What would you do if you were two,
(You couldn’t even tie your shoe)
And you woke up that Christmas day
To find yourself in piles of hay?
Then, looking all around, you see
That you are not where you should be;
Not home in bed, so clean and warm,
But in a little cow/sheep barn.
Still in your pyjamas, you
Jump up when you hear moo-oo.
Then you see a mouse run by,
Rushing so, you wonder why.
Then you see the animals are
Gathering near a shining star
And you wonder how a star
Came so far into this barn.
So you walk so quietly
Through the hay so you can see
What they all are looking at,
Cow and lamb and mouse and cat.
When you get there, you push through,
Past the silent animals, who
Let you pass to see that Thing
That makes you want to laugh and sing!
"Oh, so sweet!" you sigh, as grace,
Glowing from the sunny Face
Of that Baby lying there,
Fills your heart with cool, fresh air.
In His giggle, you feel joy,
Enough for every girl and boy.
And when He kicks His tiny Feet,
You feel that love is now complete.
Just when you feel you’ve had your fill
The whole, wide world gets brighter still
As two soft and graceful Arms
Hold you - keep you safe from harm.
You look up and see the Smile
That seems to stretch for mile upon mile;
That Smile that lights the moon and sun,
And gives life to everyone.
And there in Mother’s lap you sleep
And know the promise She will keep,
That Her Son spoke clear and true,
To come as Comforter to you.
